
Assam Bans Beef in Hotels, Restaurants, and Social Events: A Step Toward Strengthening Cow Protection Law

Assam has reinforced its commitment to cow protection by banning beef in hotels, restaurants, and social gatherings. The move, decided in a recent cabinet meeting, comes three years after the introduction of the state's Cow Protection Act.
Assam Bans Beef in Hotels, Restaurants, and Social Events: A Step Toward Strengthening Cow Protection Law

Assam has further strengthened its cow protection law by deciding to ban the sale of beef in hotels, restaurants, and social gatherings. The decision was taken three years after the state had enforced the Cow Protection Act. In a recent cabinet meeting, the Assam Chief Minister clarified that the selling of beef in public gatherings and restaurants will be strictly banned.

This is aimed at further consolidating the existing legal framework and protecting the religious and cultural values of the state. The ban is considered a significant landmark in the state government's efforts toward the protection of cows and their welfare. The decision has raised discussions within the state; different communities have echoed both positive and negative reactions toward it.

This will mean that beef will not be served in public places, such as hotels and social functions, in line with the state's overall agenda to push animal rights and religious sentiments. This policy is expected to cause significant disruption to the culinary and event industries, where beef has been a staple in some areas of Assam.


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