
What is LIC's Bima Sakhi Scheme? Women to Receive ₹7,000

Prime Minister Modi inaugurated the 'Bima Sakhi Scheme' to provide job opportunities for women, especially in rural areas. Under the scheme, women will be trained as LIC agents and receive monthly stipends. The program targets women aged 18-70 who have passed their 10th grade. Starting with 35,000 women in Haryana
What is LIC's Bima Sakhi Scheme? Women to Receive ₹7,000

In a bid to enhance the employment opportunities for women, the government has initiated a special training program that empowers the women financially. In this initiative, earning opportunities are being created by Life Insurance Corporation of India for the women. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who visited Panipat, Haryana, on Monday inaugurated the Bima Sakhi Yojana.

PM Modi's Inauguration

As reported by PTI on Jan 22, 2015, PM Modi had begun the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao campaign from Panipat to bring improvement in sex ratio and save the girl child, which would receive ₹100 crore of initial fund. It was with this motive that a new scheme has been proposed before which empowers women through training and other economic support.

8,000 women get a chance

The Bima Sakhi Yojana aims at women who are 18 to 70 years of age and have completed their 10th-grade education. In this scheme, LIC is targeting to train 100,000 women across the country to become LIC agents. Of which, 8,000 women from Haryana would be benefited initially.
Women to Earn ₹7,000 Per Month

Under the scheme, women will receive a grant of ₹7,000 in the first year, ₹6,000 in the second year, and ₹5,000 in the third year. In addition to this, financial literacy and insurance awareness will also be improved. The effort is to engage rural women in employment and financially enhance them.

Future Plan for Expansion:

35,000 women would be inducted in the first phase of the scheme as LIC agents and 50,000 more women are proposed to be inducted later. Although the programme is scheduled to begin with Haryana, there is a plan to expand it all over India later.

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